What Should I Write?
We are interested in what you have to say! Take a look at ‘The Graveyard’ and reference some of the articles on our site if you need inspiration. You can also submit something that’s totally unique! However, please keep it short and sweet — headstones only have so much space on them. Aim for 500 words or less and email your piece to with the headline in the subject line.
Will I Get Paid?
We are a not-for-profit site and are simply giving you a plot for you to lay your ideas to rest. The dead have no need for worldly things like money.
Where is the PC Line?
While we are happy to read what you write, we draw a hard line in the dirt for content that turns hate and discrimination into a punch-line. We reserve the right to deny any content submitted to our site so please, don't die for such a cause.
Will I Receive Notes on My Submissions?
We do want to give all writers the chance to improve upon their skills and intend on providing constructive feedback on submissions that we choose not to bury on our site. Our response time is likely to vary depending on workload, but we promise to reach out to you as soon as we can.